
Civil Society

Empowering activists, defending human rights, and fostering civil society resistance to authoritarian regimes

Russian Citizens in the EU Following the Russian Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

The Impact of Entry Restrictions, Barriers to Protection and Possible Solutions

Civil Society

Russia’s Liberal Party of the Future

Prospects and weaknesses

By Fedor Krasheninnikov

Civil Society

How infrastructure control works

A few examples from recent Russian history

By Alexander Zaritsky

Civil Society

Political exiles are key to civil society in Russia

What challenges will it face in the coming years?

By Fedor Krasheninnikov

Civil Society

To the Sociology of War 

By Natalia Savelyeva

Civil Society

Democratic conservatism in Russia’s multiparty system of the future

Challenges and Opportunities

By Fedor Krasheninnikov

Civil Society

For Russians Deprived of Meaningful Political Choice Doing Nothing Is Still Not an Option

Interpreting the September 2024 Russian elections

By Olga Gushchina

Civil Society

Russian Citizens in the EU Following the Russian Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

The Impact of Entry Restrictions, Barriers to Protection and Possible Solutions

By Gleb Bogush

Civil Society

Nadezhdin and the Hope

The most crucial message of his campaign to both the country and the world: there are numerous individuals in Russia who oppose this war, who oppose Putin

By Fedor Krasheninnikov

Civil Society

Why Russia’s Presidential elections don’t matter, and why they still do 

Do these elections still matter? What’s the best plan of action for the Russian prodemocracy forces for these elections?

By Vladimir Milov

Civil Society

Pro-democracy Exiles in 2024: Be Steadfast, Stay Relevant, Embrace Diversity, Get Ready for Transition

In 2024, Russia’s opposition civil society, especially the part of it that is in exile, should do everything possible to bring the new times closer and be ready not to miss a precious chance in case of sudden changes for the better

By Fedor Krasheninnikov

Civil Society

Current trends in Russian public opinion toward the war

What are the trends in Russian public opinion regarding the war and support for the Putin regime?

By Vladimir Milov

Civil Society

2022 Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index

Free Russia Foundation (FRF) is proud to have supported the production of the 2022 Civil Society Organization Sustainability (CSOS) Index for Russia released earlier this week.

By Free Russia Foundation

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Civil Society in Russia: Analysis, Role, and Prospects

Research on the Development of Civil Society in Russia


The “Civil Society” section of the Free Russia Foundation think tank is dedicated to studying the state and development of civil society in the Russian Federation. We provide an in-depth analysis of its current state, factors affecting its growth, and potential prospects for expanding citizen participation in public and political life. Our research covers:

  • Analysis of the role of civil society in political and social processes;
  • Evaluation of the impact of government regulation on the activities of public organizations;
  • Study of human rights activities and their impact on society;
  • Forecasting future scenarios for the development of civil society in Russia.

Our goal is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of how civil society influences social change, as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise in its development.