Russia scenarios 2030
By Free Russia Foundation May 29, 2019

This publication is the product of an initial effort undertaken by Free Russia Foundation in 2018 to stimulate public discussion of Russian scenarios, mitigate the likelihood of a bad surprise or missed opportunities, and support the country’s transition to a more positive future.
It contains a set of twelve hypothetical evolutions for the political development of Russia through 2030, as well as analyses of key factors driving each future.
The report aims to shed light on key factors and early indicators bearing on the direction and specific content of Russia’s development (including continuity options); help evaluate the likelihood of each scenario and its significance for international security; and assist in developing a strategy for weighing and balancing risks associated with each scenario.
Putin’s Russia is waging populace-centric hybrid warfare against democratic societies. As such, effective counter-measures to this type of warfare must prominently involve civilian population highly versed in civil resistance strategies and tactics.
By Maciej Bartkowski
September 28, 2018
Read Olga Shorina’s report on how Kremlin uses GONGOs to achieve its goals both inside and outside Russia
By Olga Shorina
January 28, 2019
In January 2020, Vladimir Putin closed the books on the political development of the Russian Federation not only for 2019 but also for the next 15 years.
By Alexander Morozov
February 10, 2020
Putin’s Russia is waging populace-centric hybrid warfare against democratic societies. As such, effective counter-measures to this type of warfare must prominently involve civilian population highly versed in civil resistance strategies and tactics.
By Maciej Bartkowski
September 28, 2018
Read Olga Shorina’s report on how Kremlin uses GONGOs to achieve its goals both inside and outside Russia
By Olga Shorina
January 28, 2019
In January 2020, Vladimir Putin closed the books on the political development of the Russian Federation not only for 2019 but also for the next 15 years.
By Alexander Morozov
February 10, 2020